Monday, August 18, 2014

How to write a prayer of petition

Jeremy Savelle’s book The Prayer of Petition helped me write my own petition according to God’s eternal Word. If you choose to construct a similar petition, you will need to prepare. Here are the basic steps which you will want to incorporate in writing your own formal request:

·       Realize that God is your only source, not others or yourself.
·       Trust Him in this process, and know that it is His will for you to be whole.
·       Continue studying His Word, and your faith will grow stronger.
·       Use your prayer weapons: the name of Jesus, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit.
·       Take time to seek your Healer and prepare your heart before you construct the petition.
·       Remember, God’s Word is the final authority. Let His Word and the Holy Spirit guide you to specific scriptures to write.
·       Write your request, and use it as a point of contact to release your faith to receive what you have asked for. 

(My Journey to Healing, p. 21-22)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

"These books caused my faith to come alive!"

In my preparation time, I watched and listened to many teaching and healing materials. God had miraculously healed Kenneth E. Hagin, at age 17, of a deformed heart and an incurable blood disease. I started re-reading his books: The Believer’s Authority, What to Do When Faith Seems Weak & Victory Lost, his mini book entitled How to Keep Your Healing, plus his free magazine, The Word of Faith, which was delivered to me monthly. These books caused my faith to come alive! I recommend reading about his incredible story and visiting his ministry website.

Friday, August 8, 2014

His grace was unveiled to me

When I started this journey, I did not understand what true grace was. His grace (unmerited favor) was unveiled to me moment by moment, through the Spirit of God. This revelation brought me to the end of myself and connected me with the person of grace, Jesus, in a most intimate way. I learned I could not depend on my own self-efforts, but that I had to depend completely on the unmerited favor and blessings of God. It changed my attitudes, thoughts and actions. 

(My Journey to Healing, p. 92)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"Healing is not a divine gift. It is a legal right"

Some think that sickness is a punishment sent by God, or that their suffering brings glory to God. Others use the Bible to try to justify their illnesses. None of these things are scripturally correct…According to Scripture, the power of sickness was destroyed by Christ over two thousand years ago. If this is so, why are people still getting sick? In truth, sickness expired the day Jesus paid the price for our iniquities on the cross of Calvary. Therefore, it is illegal for sickness to enter the bodies of believers. Healing is not a divine gift; it is a legal right.

– Guillermo Maldonado, How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God

Friday, August 1, 2014

A Healer in My House

Chapter 6 “Confession Brings Possession” begins with a story about me dancing while listening to this song by Rhema Singers & Band. Four weeks earlier I had felt I would never be able to do that again, but I did. The power of God was in my body effecting a healing and a cure. There was a healer at work in my house, and His name was Jesus.